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Proflax Natural Moody Bitch 250ml

Dogs that haven’t been spayed can experience hormonal imbalances resulting in moodiness and irritability. Many also suffer from phantom pregnancies. These ‘mood swings’ can start a few weeks prior to the start of their season and last for a few weeks after.

Proflax Moody Bitch has been formulated to help balance hormones and keep your girl chilled and relaxed throughout this stressful time.

This fabulous blend contains 75% cold pressed flaxseed oil and a 25% concentrated active herbal tincture formula; Raspberry Leaf, Passionflower, Chamomile, Agnus Castus, Vervain, Dandelion & Cinnamon.

Moody Bitch contains three adaptogenic herbs that help to support physical and emotional wellbeing. The herbs in this formula have been selected by a holistic vet for maximum health benefits, which can be shown in as little as 5-7 days in some dogs.

Feed 1ml to every 2kg of dogs weight with your dogs regular food once daily. Shake well before every use and store in the fridge to maintain.

Suitable for all bitches pre, during and post season or for phantom pregnancies

Not recommended for pregnant/nursing dogs or puppies under the age of 8 weeks old. Not to be used if your dog is known to be allergic/reactive to any of the ingredients listed. For dogs pre and post operation stop feeding 5 days prior to anaesthetic. Please check with your own vet if your dog is taking medication as some herbs can affect the absorption of certain drugs.



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